Photo: Joe Boggs
We ended last season with box tree moth (BTM) (Cydalima perspectalis, family Crambidae) squarely on our radar. We know about infestations in two locations in Ohio, but we don’t know if there are any other BTM infestations elsewhere in our state.
We learned that this non-native is only a potential boxwood killer. It can be managed. Equally important, there may be boxwoods that are resistant which has sparked a line of research on host preference coupled with boxwood genetics that may inform future boxwood selections for production and planting in Ohio landscapes.
We also learned what’s at stake. It’s estimated that the value of boxwoods currently in production in Ohio is between $200 and $300 million. Additionally, according to the 2019 Census of Horticulture Specialties, the value of sales of boxwoods in Ohio was between $12.5 and $15 million which equaled the sales in California. The only state in the U.S. with higher sales was Oregon. While don’t know the value of boxwoods in Ohio landscapes, it’s long been one of the most popular landscape plants and people don’t want to lose them.
Three new OSU Fact Sheets on BTM were posted today on the OSU Ohioline website. Check them out.
The first is titled, “Invasive Species: Box Tree Moth (Cydalima perspectalis and Lepidoptera Crambidae) Range and Spread, PART 1 OF 3: BOX TREE MOTH (BTM) SERIES.” It covers the range and spread, potential impact, and life cycle of BTM. Click this hotlink to check it out:
The second is titled, “Invasive Species: Detecting Box Tree Moth (Cydalima perspectalis and Lepidoptera Crambidae), PART 2 OF 3: BOX TREE MOTH (BTM) SERIES.” It provides a pictorial guide to what to look for with detecting BTM. Click this hotlink to check it out:
Finally, the third fact sheet is titled, “Invasive Species: Box Tree Moth (Cydalima perspectalis and Lepidoptera Crambidae) - What Should You Do? PART 3 OF 3: BOX TREE MOTH (BTM) SERIES.” As the title suggests, it describes tools in the BTM management toolbox and includes lists of insecticides for home gardeners and professionals. Click this hotlink to check it out: